Yearly Archives: 2019


Brent Marowelli Winter 2019 Missions Letter


We all know that Christ is not the reason for celebration to ALL people. That’s very sad considering at least half of “ALL” people have heard the true CHRISTmas story and just reject it. What about the good Bible to “ALL?” That is where the CHRISTmas story is found and nearly three billion are still waiting for it in their own heart language. The good news is that we used to say well OVER three billion are still waiting and now we believe that number is under three Billion.

Brent Marowelli Winter 2019 Missions Letter2019-12-13T14:03:57-05:00

Lawson Family November 2019 Adventures of Faith


God still does the miraculous with handfuls on purpose! Recently, I learned that the container would need to be closed with a specific type of seal that is coded with a serial number. I knew nothing about this seal or its description. Forty-eight hours later, we presented our ministry in a church and after the services, a man employed with a shipping company asked me how he could help. I told him about the seal I needed and he graciously provided it on the next day. This is just a sample of all that God has done. With manifold miracles, we are trusting God to get the container through the mafia controlled ports. This has caused me to pray differently. We are now praying for the “they” of Romans 10:14. “They” are identified as nearly 10,000 homes, families, or individuals that will receive the Bibles in our container. I am now praying for “them” that will receive these Bibles so that “they” can call on HIM and believe in HIM! Please help me pray for “them” now before “they” receive a copy of God’s word. The container is scheduled to be picked up by a truck from our church on November 4th and leaves the port in New York on November 11th.

Lawson Family November 2019 Adventures of Faith2019-11-21T09:15:37-05:00

Rod Houle Prayer Letter October – November 2019


Wow! What a month! We are Praising the Lord!! It was a very busy month while getting doctor's appointments finishing up and presenting AGM to many churches throughout the summer. We pray our visit will help them to get on board with winning souls in their community. Thank you Victory Baptist, Pastor Ryan Guenther and Lighthouse Baptist Church, Pastor Lee Taylor for the love you showed toward us and allowing us time to present our soul-winning methods.

Rod Houle Prayer Letter October – November 20192019-11-08T10:19:00-05:00

Jim Jones November 2019 Prayer Letter


In October we had another really good month. I had training in two County jails and received my ID badge to be able to do ministry in these two jails. I had a total of eight jail meetings in October and had two saved in my visitation in the cell blocks. I worked three days in my local prison and had four saved there and some really good visits and services.

Jim Jones November 2019 Prayer Letter2019-11-05T15:36:55-05:00

Paul Bach November 2019 Family Prayer Letter


What a blessing and joy it is to be allowed the opportunity to serve the Lord in His work! He is faithful! It has now been a year since I left Alaska to finish raising our support. During this time, the Lord has blessed in so many ways and opened so many doors! Thank you so much for interceding on our behalf, the Lord answers prayer!

Paul Bach November 2019 Family Prayer Letter2019-11-05T15:40:58-05:00
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