2018 Bible Conference
Media Ministry2018-07-17T13:13:18-05:00This year's Bible Conference will be a great chance to learn about The Mind of Christ!ITINERARYMonday, July 16Mark HiltibidalPhilippians 2:1-2Monday, July 16Rob CarlsonPhilippians 2:3-4Tuesday, July 17James KnoxPhilippians 2:5-8Tuesday, July 17Nathan BrownPhilippians 2:9-11Wednesday, July 18Nathan BrownPhilippians 2:12-13Wednesday, July 18Mark HiltibidalPhilippians 2:14-15Thursday, July 19Rob CarlsonPhilippians 2:16Thursday, July 19James KnoxPhilippians 2:17-18There will be a Sermon Notes Competition for kids! All ages! If your child cannot write, they can draw images of what the preacher is speaking on. Children with 6 pages of notes or more will get a year-long FREE FROSTY Wendy's Frosty Keychain tab!PREACHERSPastor Mark Hiltibidal leads the flock at Grace Baptist Church in Raleigh Illinois.Pastor [...]