

Bible Foundations Lesson Seven: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery


There are many topics in the Bible that are touchy and very uncomfortable to discuss and even harder to hear someone teach or preach on. The topic this week is one of those difficult topics. Many things that are so clearly addressed in the Bible and that are identified as sin by God, have become so accepted and ingrained into modern thinking and philosophy. Things that were once a black or white issue have been smudged into a shade of grey. Thankfully the Word of God has not changed. As adults, I hope we all take advantage of the opportunity this week to teach our families the truth about morality; both inside the marriage relationship, and outside of it. As parents, you will have more of an impact with your children regarding this topic (as well as every other) than I, as the pastor, ever could.

Bible Foundations Lesson Seven: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery2021-11-18T13:23:00-05:00

Bible Foundations Lesson Three: Name in Vain


Faith Baptist Church Family School - The Ten Commandments - 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. The first commandment dealt with the question “Who do we worship?” and the second commandment dealt with the question “How do we worship?” Now it’s time for the third commandment. It will be dealing with the question “With what attitude do we worship?” Memorize Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” The following passages are recommended reading for this week: Isaiah 1:1-15, 1Samuel 12:20-25, Matthew 15:1-9. The definition of the word “vain” is: Empty; worthless; having no substance, value or importance. Fruitless; ineffectual.”

Bible Foundations Lesson Three: Name in Vain2021-11-18T13:24:04-05:00

Rally The Troops 2016


Please join us for Rally the Troops 2016 "Set Free". An all day rally packed with exciting games such as missionary capture the flag and extreme dodgeball, contests, prizes, and more.Special music provided by the Grace Tour Group from Grace Baptist College and Bible preaching by Evangelist Greg Pritchard, Youth Pastor Donald Sevigne, and a special session for youth workers by Dr. Derek Hagland. Cost $10 Time:10:00 - 7:00pm Lunch & Dinner Provided Questions? Contact Pastor Jeffrey Lynn @

Rally The Troops 20162016-08-23T21:34:34-05:00
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