Brent Marowelli

Brent Marowelli Winter 2019 Missions Letter


We all know that Christ is not the reason for celebration to ALL people. That’s very sad considering at least half of “ALL” people have heard the true CHRISTmas story and just reject it. What about the good Bible to “ALL?” That is where the CHRISTmas story is found and nearly three billion are still waiting for it in their own heart language. The good news is that we used to say well OVER three billion are still waiting and now we believe that number is under three Billion.

Brent Marowelli Winter 2019 Missions Letter2019-12-13T14:03:57-05:00

Brent Marowelli Winter Prayer Letter 2018


Merry CHRISTmas from our family to yours. This prayer letter brings to you our hearts deepest gratitude for your prayers and financial help that enables us to work with firstBible International and firstBible International Canada.

Brent Marowelli Winter Prayer Letter 20182018-12-16T08:55:25-05:00

Funeral Services for Don Milam


In Memory of Don MilamFuneral Service Friday June 24, 2016 for Mrs. Marowelli's father, Don Milam Missionary Page - Brent & Shelly Marowelli Service begins 10:00 am at Faith Baptist Church - 4030 Kalmbach Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118A fellowship meal will begin at 12:00 pmGraveside service at 4:00 pm will be completed at Somerset Center - see map belowPlease pray for brother Brent Marowelli and his wife, Shelly

Funeral Services for Don Milam2016-06-22T22:21:51-05:00
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