John Alves Family

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John Alves Family Prayer Letter October 2018


With each passing year when our God gives us the privilege of serving Him, He surprises us with His rich blessings! For the work is His and we are merely His servants; in the last two months were several events that happened in the work of God, the first was our National ROCK OF AGES CONFERENCE.

John Alves Family Prayer Letter October 20182018-10-05T20:38:10-05:00

John Alves February 2017 Mission Letter


We are so thankful for your life.... Being behind us here in Brazil and supporting us in prayers and financially. Please know that you are in our prayers also. Please find in attached file our letter. Please let me know if you got it. God bless, John Alves João Henrique N. Alves Rock of Ages Ministries

John Alves February 2017 Mission Letter2017-02-12T16:16:02-05:00
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