Rally The Troops 2016


Please join us for Rally the Troops 2016 "Set Free". An all day rally packed with exciting games such as missionary capture the flag and extreme dodgeball, contests, prizes, and more.Special music provided by the Grace Tour Group from Grace Baptist College and Bible preaching by Evangelist Greg Pritchard, Youth Pastor Donald Sevigne, and a special session for youth workers by Dr. Derek Hagland. Cost $10 Time:10:00 - 7:00pm Lunch & Dinner Provided Questions? Contact Pastor Jeffrey Lynn @

Rally The Troops 20162016-08-23T21:34:34-05:00

Teen Spectacular 2016 in Gaylord


Grace Baptist Church in Gaylord hosts the Teen Spectacular! The conference is hosted by Grace Baptist Church of Gaylord, MI. Begins on Thursday, March 3, at 12:00 PM Doors open at 10:30 AM Concludes Saturday, March 5 sometime in the afternoon. DETAILS Costs: FULL CONFERENCE COST (THURSDAY - SATURDAY): $55 per person (if before Feb. 13) $60 per person (if after Feb. 13) SATURDAY ONLY COST: $20 Pre-Registration: To receive a $5 discount per delegate, you must pre-register by Feb 13. To pre-register for the conference, you must have $20 down for each delegate. Once each delegate has been pre-registered, the [...]

Teen Spectacular 2016 in Gaylord2016-02-07T22:56:21-05:00
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