Welcome to Fall Fellowship 2019 at Faith Baptist Church

What is Fall Fellowship? 

Every year, preachers from around the country and Canada descend on Chelsea and Faith Baptist Church for the purpose of edifying the brethren.

It is the honor of Faith Baptist Church to host these preachers and families in order to encourage, and bless those men in ministry.

Join us and dozens of men of God this October. Please pray to prepare your hearts for the messages that will be presented over this 3 day event.

Fall Fellowship 2019 begins Tuesday Night, October 1st with Dinner – preaching will follow. Bring your King James Bible, a hungry heart for the Word, and your entire family! Invite someone whether first timers at Faith Baptist Church or 20+ year members. As Always, Public Welcome!

2019 Preacher List: Andrew Ray • Rick Kirchinger • Brian Gurley • Stanley Kelly • Dean DeMaris • Dudley Mattis • Brent Marowelli • Joe Hicks • Tony Magnum • Dustin Epps • Rick Grishom • Jeff Lynn • Jason Summers • Jerry Harris • Dean Powers • Dan Gill • Tim Crotts • Ron Dobbs • 


Begins Tuesday Night

Join us for Dinner at 5p

Evening Service is at 6:30p


Big Breakfast at 8:30a

Service at 9:30a

Lunch Following Afternoon Service

Main Dinner at 5:00p

Evening Service at 6:30p


Big Breakfast at 8:30a

Service at 9:30a

Lunch Following Afternoon Service

Main Dinner at 5:00p

Evening Service at 6:30p

Images from 2018 Fall Fellowship